
A house as housing

FACT 30 – Active Project

How do we want to live as we age? OurStory is a prototype aging-ready small home for Omaha that approaches affordability at the intersection of design, finance, and policy. OurStory houses meet the needs of an aging population with a design aesthetic that is also appealing to first-time buyers. Designed by the FACT and led by Partners for Livable Omaha, the creator and manager of FACT’s Omaha Mobile Stage, OurStory reimagines the single-family house to fill the gap in the local market for constructible and financeable designs. Variations on the OurStory prototype can function as standalone small homes, accessory dwelling units to existing homes, or as part of dense cottage courts and cluster communities using community land trusts or other innovative land tenancy regimes. The all-electric, space efficient concept features design innovations including structural insulated panels (walls and roof) and prefabricated components to reduce construction time, boost building energy efficiency, and realize affordability.

There is high market demand for East Omaha “starter homes” priced under $200,000, as well as maintenance-free “downsizing” homes. OurStory serves both these markets. The current proof-of-concept  project (known as Corby & Benson) is essential for adding a sales comp to the market and calibrating the community’s appraisers, mortgage lenders, realtors, and developers for the return of newly constructed small houses as one of many options for addressing the housing crisis.

In Fall 2024 FACT researched, designed, and documented the project producing a detailed set of construction documents for the first two variations, Corby & Benson. The project was featured in public exhibition at Dundee Bank – Benson Branch in Omaha. In Spring 2025 FACT will complete detailed design, construction documents, and will commence off-site fabrication.

> This is an active project, check back periodically to see progress

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OurStory Survey

Please take a few minutes to complete this anonymous survey to give your feedback on the OurStory house designs and our upcoming development project in the Benson neighborhood.

For more information on this project, visit www.livable.org

For questions, contact jessica@livable.org

How might we address the housing crisis? Affordable or attainable housing occurs at the intersection of policy, finance, and design. This designbuild studio focuses on the detailed design and construction of a prototype house, called OurStory, in collaboration with outside partners and advisors who will bring expertise in policy, finance, age-ready design, constructability, and a range of other necessary inputs. In addition to the subject matter experts advising the project, the OurStory design process is being followed by a cohort of existing and emerging small home developers creating infill housing and accessory dwellings in the Omaha metro and beyond. In 2025, OurStory will give outside developers (and the general public) the option to license building designs of the Corby and Benson houses. Anticipated users of the design include ADU builders, established developers, and emerging developers. Design licensing will be managed by UNL, and Livable Omaha will study the results to glean transferable lessons.

Benson house, recessed front porch

View from North 58th Street: Corby and Benson houses
What makes a house housing?

Following a 2019 Brookings Institution report that argues “replacing detached single-family homes with ‘gentle density’ could increase the number of homes available and bring down average housing prices in high-cost locations, while retaining the physical scale of the neighborhood,” this project will explore a housing solution based on the single-family house. While affordable housing needs in urban communities benefit from multi-family complexes, or smaller “missing middle” housing types and the high density these types bring to a city, there are many communities where the single-family house and its variants are still relevant, or necessary. Thus, this project is not an argument against density or collective housing, but for the house to be one of a broad set of solutions to the housing crisis. The project argues for a repair of the single-family house to address housing needs in existing neighborhoods, vacant odd-lots, new dense developments and to uncover new opportunities for the type. As one example of its use, OurStory provides a new option for housing older adults wishing to downsize and remain in their neighborhoods as they age.

House Parts: red = SIPs, blue = prefabricated components
OurStory construction systems

The OurStory prototype is designed for accessibility, energy efficiency, low embodied carbon construction, and low maintenance. The building envelope (exterior walls and roof) is constructed with Structural Insulated Panels to increase energy efficiency and to reduce material use and construction waste. Storage cabinets and consolidated “wet wall” merging kitchen and bathroom utilities are prefabricated in a shop to increase precision and accuracy. Together with the SIPs, the prefabricated units are delivered to the construction site at just the right moment, limiting construction time, saving cost and disruption to the existing neighborhood. Heating and cooling is via electric heat pump with an ERV heat exchanger to maintain fresh ventilation in the air-tight house. The floor is an efficient  and attractive polished concrete slab on grade. This may be upgraded with an optional hydronic in-floor heating system to improve comfort and reduce indoor dust circulation. Appliances are all Energy Star rated. Considering all the knock-on benefits of the SIP system, the overall and long-term costs are less than conventional construction.

Corby & Benson: first prototype construction site plan

Corby House interior

Corby living space and main bedroom

Corby floor plan
Benson House interior with rolling storage unit including closet, TV console, and seating (with other options available)

Benson floor plan

In the studio, photography by Craig Chandler, UNL

Building a 1:1 mockup

studio meeting, evaluating full-size mockups

OurStory in the Omaha World Herald (see link below in "Recognition"

Exhibition & Design Reveal, December 2024 - January 2025

"OurStory: Building Aging-Ready Housing" at Dundee Bank gallery

FACT 30 Fall 2024 team, photography by Craig Chandler, UNL

Project Team

students (Fall 2024):
Sreemedha Chintamadaka, Machelle Cooper, Malik Darwish, Oz Eckhorn, Nico Forte, Paulina Garcia, Luke Heidenreich, Riley Jarosz, Alex Martino, Michael Rieder, Gavin Stelling, Trent Weatherwax, Carl Williams

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